Mastering Cancellation in Kotlin Coroutines: A Guide to Handling Exceptions and Ensuring Smooth Asynchronous Flows

Zaeem Sattar
3 min readJul 3, 2023



Kotlin coroutines provide a powerful toolset for handling asynchronous programming in a structured and concise manner. One crucial aspect of managing coroutines is understanding cancellation and exception handling. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of cancellation in Kotlin coroutines, explore the differences between normal exceptions and coroutine cancellation exceptions, and discover the best practices for handling exceptions in coroutines. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents:

  1. Understanding Cancellation in Kotlin Coroutines
  2. The Difference between Normal Exceptions and Coroutine Cancellation Exceptions
  3. Best Practices for Handling Exceptions in Coroutines
  4. Conclusion

Section 1:

Understanding Cancellation in Kotlin Coroutines Cancellation in coroutines refers to the process of terminating the execution of a coroutine or a group of coroutines. Cancellation is a cooperative mechanism, meaning coroutines should cooperate and check for cancellation in order to terminate gracefully. Cancellation can be triggered manually or due to external factors like timeouts, user actions, or parent scope cancellation.

Section 2:

The Difference between Normal Exceptions and Coroutine Cancellation Exceptions In Kotlin coroutines, cancellation is represented by a special exception called CancellationException. This exception is thrown when a coroutine is canceled, and it inherits from java.lang.Exception. It is important to note that CancellationException is a checked exception, meaning it needs to be handled explicitly.

On the other hand, normal exceptions, such as NullPointerException or IOException, are considered unchecked exceptions and don't require explicit handling. When a coroutine encounters a normal exception, it propagates up the coroutine hierarchy until it's caught by an exception handler.

Section 3:

Best Practices for Handling Exceptions in Coroutines To handle exceptions effectively in coroutines, consider the following best practices:

3.1. Use try-catch blocks: Place critical sections of code inside try-catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions. This allows you to gracefully handle exceptions without affecting the entire coroutine.

viewModelScope.launch {
try {
// Critical code that may throw an exception
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handle the exception appropriately

3.2. SupervisorJob for independent coroutines: When dealing with a group of coroutines that should not affect each other’s cancellation, use a SupervisorJob as the parent job. This ensures that if one child coroutine is canceled, it doesn't cancel the others.

val parentJob = SupervisorJob()
val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + parentJob)

coroutineScope.launch {
// Child coroutine 1

coroutineScope.launch {
// Child coroutine 2

3.3. Handle CancellationException specifically: When catching exceptions, it is important to differentiate between normal exceptions and CancellationException. Handling CancellationException allows you to perform specific cleanup tasks or finalize resources before the coroutine is terminated.

viewModelScope.launch {
try {
// Critical code that may throw an exception
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
// Perform cleanup tasks or finalize resources
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handle other exceptions

Section 4:

Conclusion In this blog post, we explored the intricacies of cancellation in Kotlin coroutines. We learned about the differences between normal exceptions and coroutine cancellation exceptions and discovered the best practices for handling exceptions in coroutines. By understanding and implementing these techniques, you can ensure smooth and reliable asynchronous flows in your Kotlin coroutine-based applications.

Remember, cancellation and exception handling in coroutines are essential for maintaining the stability and integrity of your code. By adopting these best practices, you’ll be well-equipped to handle exceptions and gracefully manage cancellations in your asynchronous operations.

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Happy Coding!



Zaeem Sattar

Building mobile apps since 2015 🚀 Remote Android Contractor working on Crypto exchange application 🔥